Earthquake data visualization for march 2015

by - 12:48

This visualization is depicts how earthquake are affected by different parameters and is there any way to predict earthquake by drawing any correlations. These visualizations of earthquake have been performed using Tableau Desktop.
Depth vs Magnitude
This graph shows that there were not many earthquakes coming from deep earth. Most of them are less deep and low in magnitude. However, If the depth of earthquake is above 400 m then there is a chance that it might be a high intensity earthquake. It has been also noted that high intensity earthquake has come with less depth.
 Magnitude vs location
Location vs intensity
Te above visualization shows that almost all earthquakes has been originated near the fault line. The intensity is high in South America , Australia , Japan and Indian subcontinent. United States has high density of earthquakes but with less intensity.
This is my first effort to publish my visualization work online. I hope you liked it. Please leave a comment

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